Who am I and maybe more important - what kind of music am I into!

I have a real passion for shirts, and I've always dreamed of creating a place that is filled to the brim with random, unpredictable graphics that may or may not be funny, and where creativity knows no bounds.

That's what the Shirt Life shop is to me – it's like my own little playground.

I've also got a deep love for our planet [and for least 80% of the people on it], which is why I've made sure that all apparel sold in this shop is made from 100% organic cotton or recycled fabrics.

I take pride in shipping everything in really not-so-pretty, but eco-friendly recyclable cardboard pouches, cause plastic sucks!

Your visit means a lot and is highly appreciated.

I really hope you enjoy the vibe here.

Copenhagen, Denmark

Oh.. and the music...